User Manual

222 Xenon XP User Guide
F - File Format
Indicates the desired format for the image.
0F KIM format
1F TIFF binary
2F TIFF binary group 4, compressed
3F TIFF grayscale
4F Uncompressed binary (upper left to lower right, 1 pixel/bit, 0 padded end
of line)
5F Uncompressed grayscale (upper left to lower right, bitmap format)
6F JPEG image (default)
8F BMP format (lower right to upper left, uncompressed)
10F TIFF color compressed image
11F TIFF color uncompressed image
12F JPEG color image
14F BMP color format
15F BMP Uncompressed raw image
H - Histogram Stretch
Increases the contrast of the transmitted image. Not available with some image
0H No stretch (default)
1H Histogram stretch
Histogram Stretch at 0H: Histogram Stretch at 1H: