User Guide

6/08 ST 3000 Release 300 and SFC Model STS103 User’s Manual 247
B.1 Possible Solutions/Methods, Continued
Steam heating,
Figure B-8 Piping Installation for Differential Pressure Transmitter and Impulse Piping with
Steam Heating.
Steam heat
tracer line
1/2" , 3-valve manifold
(standard type )
Differential pressure
Condensate return from steam trap. All steam and
condensate lines must always slope downward at least 1"
per foot to prevent low spots which will trap condensate.
All condensate lines must be protected from freezing.
Steam trap or
Insulated enclosure
1/4" OD steam tracer line
Impulse piping with
1/4" thick insulation
Pipe insulated with
waterproof outer cover
Pipe strap about
every 15"
Detail of Transmitter Impulse Piping
Shut-off valve
Steam Supply (low pressure)
Continued on next page