
Code Quantity/Packaging Fastenings
00 150 units per box
One (1) of each part (mounting nut, large screw, cap, clip, button) and four (4) of each mounting hardware
(clamps and short screws) are packed into individual bags. Bags are placed individually with each product in
its carton cell.
01 50 units per box
Fifty (50) of each part (mounting nuts, large screws, caps, clips, and buttons) are packed into one large bag
and placed into the carton.
02 50 units per box
Fifty (50) of each part (mounting nuts, large screws, caps, clips, buttons, installation screws, and wire clamps)
are packed into individual part bags and placed into the carton.
04 100 units per box
100 of each part (mounting nuts, large screws, caps, clips, buttons, installation screws, and wire clamps)
are packed in two bags containing 50 of each part and placed into the carton.
05 150 units per box
150 of each part (mounting nuts, large screws, caps, clips, and buttons) are packed into three bags
containing 50 of each part and placed in box.
08 48 units per box
One (1) of each part (mounting nut, large screw, cap, clip, button) and four (4) of each mounting hardware
(clamps and short screws) are packed into a bag. The bag is placed into an individual box within the carton.
09 150 units per box
One (1) of each part (mounting nut, large screw, cap, clip, button) and four (4) of each mounting hardware
(clamps and short screws) are packed into individual bags. 150 bags are then placed into the carton.
12 150 units per box
One (1) of each part (mounting nut, large screw, cap, clip, button) and four (4) of each mounting hardware
(clamps and short screws) are packed into individual bags. 150 bags are placed individually with each
product in its carton cell.
Table 3. Packaging Options/Codes
Push-Pull and E-Stop Switches