Programming Manual

*56 Zone Programming Menu Mode
(press *56 while in Program mode)
The Zone Programming Worksheet is on page 13.
For each of the following prompts, make the desired entry, followed by the [] key to accept the entry.
Refer to the Installation and Setup Guide for detailed explanations for each prompt.
0 = no; 1 = yes (See XMIT TO CONFIRM prompt later in this section.) We
recommend that you confirm the programming of every transmitter.
01-64, 91, 92, 95, 96, 99
To quit, enter 00 to quit (returns to data field mode).
System displays a summary of the entered zone’s current programming.
Press [] to continue.
00 = Not used 07 = 24-Hr Audible 20 = Arm–STAY*
01 = Entry/exit #1 08 = 24-Hr Aux 21 = Arm–AWAY*
02 = Entry/exit #2 09 = Fire 22 = Disarm*
03 = Perimeter 10 = Interior w/Delay
23 = No Alarm Resp
04 = Interior Follower 12 = Monitor Zone 24 = Silent Burglary
05 = Trouble Day/Alarm Night 14 = Carbon Monoxide 77 = Keyswitch
06 = 24-Hr Silent 16 = Fire w/Verify 81 = AAV Monitor
*5800 button-type transmitters only 90-91 = Configurable
1, 2, or 3-common (VISTA-20P)
1-9, #+10 for 0, #+11 for B, #+12 for C, #+13 for D, #+14 for E, #+15 for F
For Contact ID®, enter any non-zero entry as the first digit to enable
reporting for this zone.
To disable the report code for this zone, enter 00.
Appears only for zones 02-08. Zone 1 is automatically set for EOL
operation. Enter the desired hardwire type:
0 = EOL; 1 = NC; 2 = NO; 3 = zone doubling (ZD)†; 4 = double-balanced
(DB)† († VISTA-20P)
For hardwired zones 01-08. Enter the desired response time for this zone:
0 = 10mSec; 1 = 350mSec; 2 = 700mSec; 3 = 1.2 secs (see field 174).
NOTE: If zone doubling is being used, the response time selected for zones
02-08 automatically applies to each zone’s associated doubled zone.
Skipped for zones 2-8, and for zones 10-16 if zone-doubling enabled. Enter
the input type: 2 = AW (Aux wired zone); 3 = RF (supervised RF);
4 = UR (unsupervised RF); 5 = BR (unsupervised button type)
NOTE: To change the input type of a previously programmed wireless
device to a wired zone, you must first delete the transmitter’s serial number.
Enroll the transmitter’s serial number and loop number as follows:
1. a. Transmit two open/close sequences (for button-type transmitters,
press and release the button twice, waiting about 4 seconds before
pressing the button the second time).
b. Manually enter the 7-digit serial number printed on the label of the
transmitter. Press the [] key to move to the “L” position, then enter
the loop number.
Use the [A] (Advance) and [B] (Back) keys to move the cursor forward
and back within the screen. Pressing the [C] (Copy) key will insert the
previously enrolled serial number, if desired (used when programming
a transmitter with several input loops).
To delete an existing serial number, enter 0 in the loop number
field. The serial number will change to 0's. If 0 was entered in error,
simply re-enter the loop number or press [#], and the serial number
will return to the display.
2. Press [] to continue. The system now checks for a duplicate serial/loop
If no duplicate is found, the display shows the serial number and loop
3. Press [] to continue to confirmation screen.
(prompts continued in next column)
XMIT TO confirm
Appears if you answered “Yes” at the “Set to Confirm” prompt.
Activate the loop input or button that corresponds to this zone.
Press [] to continue.
If the serial/loop number transmitted does not match the serial number
entered, a display showing the entered and the received serial/loop numbers
If so, activate the loop input or button on the transmitter once again. If a
match is not obtained, press the [#] key twice and then enter (or transmit)
the correct serial number.
Press [] to continue
If the serial number transmitted matches the serial number entered,
the keypad will beep 3 times and a summary display will appear,
showing that zone's programming. An “s” indicates that a
transmitter’s serial number has been enrolled.
Press [] to accept the zone information and continue.
Press 1 if you want to program descriptors for the zone now, and refer to the
*82 Descriptor Programming section for procedure. To program descriptors
later, enter 0 (no).
Press [] to return to the ENTER ZN NUM prompt.
58 Expert Zone Programming Mode
58 while in Data Programming mode)
Select whether you want confirmation of wireless device enrollment. (See
“XMIT TO CONFIRM” prompt later in this section.) We recommend that
you confirm the programming of every transmitter.
01 09 1 10 EL 1
(Typical for Zone 1, initial summary screen)
10 00 1 10 RF: –
(Typical for entered zone number; zone 10 in this example)
System displays summary of zone 1’s current programming.
Enter the zone number being programmed, then press []. A summary
screen for that zone is displayed, along with any current programming
values, and the cursor moves to the Zone Type location. The cursor then
automatically moves to the next locations after each entry is made.
Special Function Keys:
[A] (Advance) and [B] (Back) keys on the keypad move the cursor
within the screen.
[C] (Copy) key will insert the previous zone’s attributes, if desired.
[D] key starts the Wireless Key Programming Templates menu
(see Wireless Key Programming Templates section that follows this
Sequentially enter Zone Type (ZT), Partition (P)
, and Report Code (RC),
then Hardwire Type (HW) and Response Time (RT) for basic wired zones 1-8
or Input Device Type (IN) for zones 9 and higher (Loop Number [L] is
programmed at the INPUT S/N prompt).
See *56 Zone Programming Menu Mode section described earlier for entry
† applies to VISTA-20P
Press [] to save the programming and continue. If needed, press the [#]
key to back up without saving.
For wireless devices (input types RF, UR, BR), continue to the INPUT
S/N (serial number/loop number) and XMIT TO CONFIRM prompts
described earlier in the *56 Zone Programming Menu Mode section.
When done, the display returns to the initial summary screen prompt to
let you program the next zone.
For wired devices, the display returns to the initial summary screen
prompt to let you program the next zone.
To Quit, enter 00 at the zone number location and press [].