GPS Receiver User Manual

The KLN 94 database contains the location of areas of special use air-
space (SUA). The types of SUA areas stored in the database and the
abbreviations used to denote these areas are the following:
Class B CL B
Class C CL C
Control Area (used outside USA) CTA
Terminal Area (used outside USA) TMA
Alert Area ALRT
Caution Area CAUT
Danger Area DNGR
Military Operations Area MOA
Prohibited Area PROH
Restricted Area REST
Training Area TRNG
Warning Area WARN
Terminal Radar Service Area TRSA
The Setup 6 (SET 6) page shown in
figure 3-179 is used to chose the
types of SUA for which SUA alerting
shall be given. These SUA type are
divided into four groups as follows:
CLASS B/C: Class B, Class C, and Terminal Radar Service
Areas (TRSA)
CTA/ TMA: Control Areas and Terminal Areas (used only
internationally outside the U.S.)
REST/PROH: Restricted and Prohibited Areas
MOA /Other: Military Operation Areas, Alert Areas, Warning
Areas, Danger Areas, Caution Areas, Training
NOTE: The SUA types selected on the SET 6 page also determine which
ones are displayed on the NAV 4 map page.
To select the SUA types for SUA alerting and for display on the
NAV 4 page map:
1. Select the SET 6 page.
Chapter 3 Basic GPS Operation
Figure 3-179