GPS Receiver User Manual

and press F to display the list
of approaches for KRWI. Move
the cursor over VOR/D 22 and
press F to bring up the list of
IAFs (figure 6-47).
2. There are four choices for the
IAF including Vectors. Two of these choices you can recognize but
the other two, D174G and D354G, are unfamiliar and not shown on
this chart (however they shown on the respective Jeppesen chart).
These two waypoints are the database identifiers for the ends of the
arc as explained in section 6.2.4. D174G means DME arc point, 174
is the radial on which the waypoint lies, and G indicates the distance
of the arc. G is the seventh letter of the alphabet so the G indicates
that this is a 7 DME arc. In a similar manner D354G can also be
decoded. In this example the aircraft is approaching from the south-
east so the D174G IAF will be selected.
3. The KLN 94 knows that this point is associated with a DME arc. Once
an arc IAF waypoint is chosen, the KLN 94 determines what radial of
the reference VOR the aircraft is presently located on. A waypoint is
created that is located at the intersection of the present radial and the
DME arc. This waypoint is first in
the list of waypoints presented
on the APT 8 page before load-
ing the approach into the flight
plan (figure 6-48). Since the air-
craft was located on the 132
radial of TYI when the approach
was loaded into FLP 0, the waypoint loaded into the approach is
D132G. This waypoint is named using the same convention dis-
cussed earlier.
NOTE: If the present radial from the reference VOR is outside of the
defined arc, then the KLN 94 will default to the beginning of the arc.
CAUTION: The KLN 94 does not take into account the geometry of
the active flight plan when determining the arc intercept point. This
point is defined solely on the present radial and the defined arc dis-
tance from the reference VOR. For this reason it is better to delay
selecting approaches that contain DME arcs until the aircraft is clos-
er to the destination.
4. With the cursor over ADD TO FPL 0?, Press F. The approach will
be loaded into the active flight plan just like any other approach would
Chapter 6 Approaches and DP/STARs
Figure 6-48
Figure 6-47