Product Manual

Table Of Contents
Honeywell BW Solo User Manual
18. Troubleshooting
If a problem occurs, refer to the solutions provided here. If the problem persists, contact Technical
Possible Cause
The detector does not
No battery.
Install a battery.
Depleted battery.
Replace the battery.
Damaged or defective
Contact Technical Support.
Reversed battery.
Reinstall the battery correctly.
The detector enters alarm
mode immediately when it is
Sensor needs to stabilize.
Used sensor: Wait 60
New sensor: Wait 5 minutes.
Low battery alarm
Replace the battery.
Sensor alarm
Replace the sensor.
The start-up self-test fails
during one of the checks.
General fault
Contact Technical Support.
Alarm setpoints are incorrect.
Reset the alarm setpoints.
The detector does not display
a normal ambient gas reading
after the activation self-test.
Target gas is present.
Detector is operating properly.
Use caution in suspect areas
Detector requires calibration
Calibrate the detector.
Sensor not stabilized
Used sensor: Wait 60
New sensor: wait 5 minutes.
The detector does not
respond to the pushbutton.
Battery is depleted.
Replace the battery.
Detector is performing
operations that do not require
user input.
Pushbutton operation restores
automatically when the
operation ends.
The detector does not
accurately measure the gas.
Detector requires calibration.
Calibrate the sensor.
Detector is colder or hotter
than the ambient gas.
Allow the detector to acquire
ambient temperature before
Sensor filter is blocked
Clean the sensor filter.
The detector does not enter
alarm mode.
Incorrect setting of alarm
Reset the alarm setpoints.
Alarm setpoint(s) set to zero.
Reset the alarm setpoints.
Detector is in calibration
Complete the calibration.