Owner's Manual

69-1513EF—01 2
Patented carbon monoxide (CO) alarm
technology detects CO similar to human
body’s response.
Detects and warns against conditions
that can lead to acute and chronic effects
of CO poisoning.
Detects toxic CO gas resulting from
incomplete combustion such as emitted
from appliances, furnaces, fireplaces and
auto exhaust.
Detects CO gas from any source of
Use in combination with other
combustible gas, fire or smoke alarms.
Detects levels of carbon monoxide at 70
ppm and above.
For residential use only.
What You Should Know About
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas.
Cumulative poison.
Even low levels can cause brain and other
vital organ damage in unborn infants with no
effect on the mother.
Symptons of carbon monoxide poisoning
should be discussed with all members of the
a. Mild Exposure—Slight headache,
nausea, vomiting, fatigue (often
described as flu-like symptoms).
b. Medium Exposure—Severe throbbing
headache, drowsiness, confusion,
fast heart rate.
c. Extreme Exposure—Unconscious-
ness, convulsions, cardio-respiratory
failure, death.