Windows Mobile User's Guide

Dolphin® Demos User’s Guide Rev A
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Send and AutoSend
The Imaging, IQ Imaging, Scan, and Signature Capture Demos contain Send and/or AutoSend features.
Send and AutoSend send data from these Demos to Image View on the workstation.
Send sends the current data manually.
AutoSend sends data after each scan or image capture automatically.
Imaging Demo
Tap File > Send to manually send the most recently captured image to Image View.
Tap File > Auto Send Full to automatically send each image captured to Image View.
Tap File > Auto Send Preview to automatically send a preview of each image taken to Image View.
IQ Imaging Demo
Tap File > Send Current to manually send the most recently captured data to Image View.
Tap File > Auto Send to automatically send each capture to Image View.
Scan Demo
Tap File > Auto Send to automatically send each decode to Image View.
Signature Capture
Tap File > Send to manually send the current signature image to Image View.