Declaration of Conformity

Page 3
ScanPal EDA52 Handheld Computer
Product Environmental
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the RoHS / REACH / WEEE information.
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l’environnement à propos des
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obtenir des renseignements concernant
les directives RoHS/REACH/WEEE.
environnementales sur les
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directives RoHS/REACH/WEEE.
Informazioni ambientali
relative al prodotto
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informazioni su RoHS/REACH/RAEE.
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Umweltverträglichkeit von
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󴈄󱯃 RoHS / REACH / WEEE 󱣭󳚣󽘜󸛝󱾍󹠴
󸒿󱾏󹞸 󱝤󵼸
󸋲 RoHS / REACH / WEEE 󸠜󸌾󾗘
RoHS / REACH / WEEE 󹞝󳜵󲛁
 󱾌
RoHS / REACH / WEEE 󼖄󻩣󻀃󾖴
󼌿󻺋󾖴󼦧󼗟󽋇󼁜󼁋󼎓 .
" #
  
 RoHS / REACH / WEEE
  
  
  
Models: EDA52-0, EDA52-1
USA, Canada NRTL Safety
cTUVus listed: UL62368-1 2nd Edition, CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1-14 2nd Edition.
Warning! To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods. Avertissement : A pleine puissance, l’écoute prolongée peut endommager l’audition de l’utilisateur.
The radio in the ScanPal EDA52 RF terminal operates on the same frequency band as a microwave oven. Therefore, if you use a microwave within range of the RF terminal you may notice performance degradation in your wireless network. However, both your microwave and your wireless network will continue to function.
LED Safety
LEDs have been tested and classified as “RISK GROUP 1 (Low Risk)” to the Standard: IEC 62471:2006.
Models with Image Engine: S0703
Laser Compliance and Precaution
This device has been tested in accordance with and complies with IEC60825-1:2014, 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for conformance with IEC 60825-1 Ed. 3, as described in Laser Notice No. 56, dated May 08, 2019.
EDA52 devices that include a laser caution label (see far right) affixed to housing are a CLASS 2 LASER PRODUCT. This product has a maximum output of 1 mW at 630-680 nm.
Caution: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Mise en garde : l’utilisation de contrôles ou d’ajustements ou de performance de procédures autres que ceux spécifiées dans la présente peut provoquer une exposition dangereuse au rayonnement.
CAUTION: Improper battery
replacement or incompatible
device usage may result in risk of
burns, fire, explosion, or other
hazard. Dispose of batteries according to
local regulations.
ATTENTION : Un remplacement
inadéquat de la batterie ou une
utilisation incompatible de
l'appareil peut présenter des
risques de brulures, d'incendie,
d'explosion ou d'autres dangers. Jetez
les piles en lithium-ion conformément
aux régulations locales.
remplacement incorrect de la
pile ou l'usage d'un appareil non
compatible peut représenter des
risques de brûlures, d'incendie,
d'explosion ou d'autres dangers.
Éliminez les piles lithium-ion usagées
conformément aux réglementations
Attenzione. La sostituzione
inadeguata delle batterie o un
uso incompatibile del dispositivo
possono causare rischi di
ustioni, incendi, esplosioni o altri
pericoli. Smaltire le batterie agli ioni di
litio in conformità ai regolamenti locali.
VORSICHT. Ungeeignete Ersatz-
Akkus oder nicht kompatible
Gerätenutzung kann zu
Verbrennungen, Feuer,
Explosion oder anderen Gefahren
führen. Entsorgen Sie die Lithium-
Ionen-Batterien gemäß den lokalen
PRECAUCIÓN: El reemplazo
inadecuado de la batería o el uso
de un dispositivo incompatible
pueden dar como resultado
quemaduras, un incendio, explosión u
otros riesgos. Descarte todas las
baterías de litio según las regulaciones
Precaución: El reemplazo
inadecuado de la batería o el uso
de un dispositivo incompatible
puede presentar riesgo de
quemaduras, incendio, explosión, u otro
tipo de riesgos. Deseche las baterías de
iones de litio de acuerdo a las
normativas locales.
CUIDADO: a substituição
incorreta da bateria ou o uso de
um dispositivo incompatível
pode resultar em riscos de
queimaduras, incêndio, explosão ou
outros perigos. Descarte as baterias de
íon de lítio de acordo com as
regulamentações locais.
󴱄󳞱 : 󸑯󹧖󴭲󱛼󳱵󱛝󳱵
󼙫󼓇󾖴: 󻦟󼺟󻜛󻛫󾖴󻫯󼕰󼕷󽋇󺧻󾖴
󻸛󼐘󽋇󺧻󾖴󻆇󻟣, 󽏃󻸰, 󽏃󼔛, 󽅜󻦋, 󺮟󼸯󾖴
󼑳󽍇󼓣󾖴󻦋󻹌󽋏󾖴󻾇󾖴󼓷󼀤󻀷󻁓 . 󼜯󼍜󾖴
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RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This mobile phone meets the government's requirements for exposure to radio waves. This phone is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to
radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government and Canadian Government.
The exposure standard for wireless mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the government FCC/IC is
1.6 W/kg and for Europe 2 W/Kg. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the phone while operating can be well below the
maximum value. This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to
a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.
Model EDA52-1
The highest reported FCC SAR values for head and body-worn accessory use conditions are: 0.70 W/kg (1g) and 1.43 W/kg (1g).
Model EDA52-0
The highest reported FCC SAR values for head and body-worn accessory use conditions are: 0.27 W/kg (1g) and 0.67 W/kg (1g).
The highest reported IC SAR values for head and body-worn accessory use conditions are: 0.27 W/kg (1g) and 0.67 W/kg (1g).
The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR
information on this model phone is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after searching on FCC ID:
Model EDA52-0
The highest reported CE SAR value for head and body-worn accessory use conditions are: 0.13 W/kg (10 g) and 0.20 W/kg (10g).
Model EDA52-1
The highest reported CE SAR values for head, body-worn accessory and simultaneous transmission use conditions are:
0.31 W/kg (10g), 1.63 W/kg (10g), and 0.35 W/kg (10g), 1.77 W/kg (10g).
For body-worn operation, this device has been tested and meets the ICNIRP guidelines and the European Standard EN62209-2, for use with dedicated accessories. SAR is measured
with this device at a separation of 5mm to the body. While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the government
Informations sur l'exposition RF
Ce téléphone mobile respecte les exigences du gouvernement en matière d’exposition aux ondes radio. Ce téléphone est conçu et
fabriqué de manière à ne pas dépasser les limites d’émission pour l’exposition à l’énergie de radiofréquence (RF) établies par la
Commission fédérale des communications des gouvernements américain et canadien.
La norme d’exposition pour les téléphones mobiles sans fil utilise une unité de mesure connue sous le nom de débit d’absorption
spécifique ou DAS. La limite du DAS établie par la Commission fédérale des communications FCC/IC est de 1,6W/kg et de 2W/kg pour
l’Europe. Bien que le DAS soit déterminé en fonction du plus haut niveau de puissance certifié, le niveau réel du DAS du téléphone en
cours d’utilisation peut être nettement inférieur à la valeur maximale. Ceci s’explique par le fait que le téléphone est conçu pour
fonctionner à plusieurs niveaux de puissance ainsi que pour utiliser uniquement le puissance requis pour atteindre le réseau. En
général, plus vous vous trouvez à proximité d’une antenne de station de base sans fil, plus la puissance de sortie sera faible..
Model EDA52-1
Les valeurs DAS FCC les plus élevées pour les conditions d'utilisation des accessoires portés sur la tête et le corps sont les suivantes:
0.70 W/kg (1g) and 1.43 W/kg (1g).
Modèle EDA52-0
Les valeurs DAS FCC les plus élevées pour les conditions d'utilisation des accessoires portés sur la tête et le corps sont les suivantes:
0,27 W/kg (1g) et 0, 67 W/kg (1g).
Les valeurs DAS IC les plus élevées pour les conditions d'utilisation des accessoires portés sur la tête et le corps sont les suivantes:
0,27 W/kg (1g) et 0,67 W/kg (1g).
Caution: If a body worn accessory is not purchased from Honeywell, the accessory must contain no metal and provide a 1.5 cm (0.6 in) space between the device and the
body. Use of antennas and accessories not authorized may void the compliance of this product and may result in RF exposures beyond the limits established for this
Mise en garde : Si un accessoire de corps n’est pas acheté auprès d’Intermec, cet accessoire ne doit contenir aucun métal et
garantir un espace de 1,5 cm entre l’appareil et le corps. L’utilisation d’antennes et d’accessoires non autorisés peut annuler
la conformité de cet appareil et peut causer une exposition aux RF au-delà des limites établies pour cet équipement.
Model EDA52-0
본 제품의 전자파흡수율은 과학기술정보통신부의 전자파 인체보호기준을 만족합니다 .
󼁋󽍇󻆇󼌷󼒫󻟟 , 󼫋󻁯󾖴󼕳󼓿󽁻󽓐󻾇󼒗󾖴󼮐󼖄󺦁󼒯󾖴󻁓󼒻󺩫󾖴󺦈󼀤󻀷󻁓
※ 전자파흡수율 (SAR: Specific Absorption Rate) 은 휴대전화를 사용할 때 인체에 흡수될 수
있는 전자파의 양으로 우리나라는 국제권고기준인 2 W/kg 보다 엄격한 1.6 W/kg 기준을 적
용하고 있습니다 .
그러나 일상생활에서는 최대출력보다 현저히 낮은 출력상태에서 통신이 이루어지므로전자
파흡수율은 위 시험 결과보다 매우 낮습니다 .
전자파흡수율에 대한 자세한 정보는 국립전파연구원 ( 또는 제조사 홈페이지
에서 확인할 수 있습니다 .
Models EDA52-0, EDA52-1
มีความสอดคล องตามมาตรฐานหรอข อกาหนดข
อง กสทช
Model EDA52-0
จําเพาะ (Specific Absorption Rate - SAR)
_0.20__ W/kg
งสอดคล องตามมาตรฐานความปลอดภยตอสุข
Model EDA52-1
จําเพาะ (Specific Absorption Rate - SAR)
_1.63__ W/kg
งสอดคล องตามมาตรฐานความปลอดภยตอสุข
Models EDA52-0, EDA52-1
ได รับยกเว ไม่ต องได รับ
ใบอนญาตใ มี
ระกาศ กสทช.
เรือง เครืองวทยคมนาคม
คมนาคมทีได รับยกเว นไม่ต องได รับใบอนญาต
วิทยคมนาคม ตามพระราชบ
คมนาคม .. 2498.
กสทช โทรคมนาคม
Call Center 1200 (โทรฟร)
Informações Regulatórias Brasil
Este equipamento não tem direito à proteção contra interferência prejudicial e não
pode causar interferência em sistemas devidamente autorizados.
Para maiores informaçõs, consulte o site da ANATEL -
Este produto está homologado pela ANATEL de acordo com os procedimentos
regulamentados para avaliaçã da conformidade de produtos para telecomunicaçõs e
atende aos requisitos técnicos aplicados, incluindo os limites de exposiçã da Taxa de
Absorçã Específica referente a campos elétricos, magnéticos e eletromagnéticos de
Valores máximos de SAR:
EDA52-0 - Cabeç: 0,08 W/kg; Corpo: 0,08 W/kg
EDA52-1: Cabeç: 0,36 W/kg; Corpo: 0,58 W/kg
Manter distâcia mínima de 1,5 cm do corpo.
Bateria modelo e capacidade: BAT-EDA52
Carregador modelo: ADS-12B-06 05010E
Model EDA52-0
Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) Consumer Information
a) This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. In the battery well of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US: HD5IPNANEDA52-0. If requested, this number must be provided to the telephone company.
b) The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
c) Should you experience trouble with this equipment, please contact Honeywell International Inc, 13509 South Point Blvd, Ste.100, Charlotte, NC 28273, Tel: 800-782-4263 for repair or warranty information. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you dis-
connect the equipment until the problem is resolved.
d) Please follow instructions for repairing if any (e.g. battery replacement section); otherwise do not alternate or repair any parts of device except specified.
e) This equipment is hearing aid compatible.
Model EDA52-1
Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC)
The standard for compatibility of digital wireless devices with hearing aids is set forth in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard C63.19. ANSI C63.19 contains these two sets of standards:
An “M” rating from M1 to M4 for reduced radio frequency (RF) interference to enable acoustic coupling with hearing aids that do not operate in t-coil mode.
A “T” rating from T1 to T4 to enable inductive coupling with hearing aids operating in t-coil mode.
A digital wireless handset is considered hearing aid compatible for acoustic coupling if it meets at least an “M3” rating under the ANSI standard. A digital wireless handset is considered hearing aid compatible for inductive coupling if it meets at least a “T3” rating under the ANSI standard.
M-Ratings: Devices rated M3 or M4 meet FCC requirements and are likely to generate less interference with hearing devices than devices that are not labeled. M4 is the superior/higher of the two ratings.
T-Ratings: Devices rated T3 or T4 meet FCC requirements and are likely to be more usable with a hearing device’s t-coil than unrated devices. T4 is the superior/higher of the two ratings.
These ratings are not guaranteed. Results will vary depending on the level of immunity of your hearing device and the degree of your hearing loss. If your hearing device happens to be vulnerable to interference, you may not be able to use a rated device successfully. Trying out the device with your hearing device is the
best way to evaluate it for your personal needs.
When some wireless devices are used near some hearing devices such as hearing aids and implants, users may detect a buzzing or humming noise. Some hearing devices are more immune than others to this interference noise. Wireless devices may also vary in the amount of interference they generate.
The more immune the hearing aid device is, the less likely one is to experience interference noise from the wireless device. Hearing aid devices may also be rated. Adding the ratings of the hearing aid and the device can predict the usability of the two devices together:
Any combined rating equal to or greater than six offers the best use.
Any combined rating equal to five is considered normal use.
These models have been tested and rated for use with hearing aids for some of the wireless technologies that they use. However, there may be some newer wireless technologies used in these devices that have not been tested yet for use with hearing aids. It is important to try the different features of these devices
thoroughly and in different locations, using your hearing aid or cochlear implant, to determine if you hear any interfering noise. Consult your service provider or the manufacturer of the device for information on hearing aid compatibility. If you have questions about return or exchange policies, consult your service
provider or device retailer.
The following devices are currently offered:
󲖸󱿠 (Models) : EDA52-0, EDA52-1
󱜂󲄘󱙆󴈄󲸓󵙀󸢹󵵙󱿽󶌇󱾛󲀯󹄡 (Names and Content of Hazardous Substances in the Product)
󸽩󱝾󱿽󶌇 (Parts Name) 󴈄󲸓󵙀󸢹 (Hazardous Substance)
󹚮 (Pb) 󴭰 (Hg) 󹜲 (Cd) 󱮺󱞀󹛕 (Cr6+) 󲡕󴼤󶾌󷔦 (PBB) 󲡕󴼤󱛔󷔦󹂮 (PBDE)
󲡋󲠓 (Housing)xooooo
1mW. 630-680nm. Pulse duration of 16.8mSec. IEC 60825-1:2014Comp
-lies with 21 CFR 1040. 10 and 1040.11 except for conformance with IEC
60825-1 Ed. 3.,as described in Laser Notice No. 56, dated May 8, 2019.
󻠗󻃧󻟴 󻞧󻜛󾖴󼕳󼓿󽁻󽓐󻾇󼒗
EDA52-0 1.070 W/kg
Model HAC Rating Air-Interface C63.19 Version
EDA52-ML-RS-02 A In Review Honeywell proprietary & Confidential
The HEC and TEC codes identified in this watermark supersede any conflicting HEC or TEC codes displayed in the drawing.
Downloaded By: Wang,Lucas - 10 August 2022 08:14:43 UTC HEC: EAR99 TEC: EAR99 GOV: ESO1.0