Heating System User Manual

Hydraulic Components SDC / DHC
186 EN2H-0221GE51 R0808
Jump response to various control deviations
(open control circuit, actuator removed)
Adjustment time T
= 7 min.
Sample time T
= 20 sec.
Mixed heating circuit runtime = 2 min.
The P-pulse that brings the mixed heating circuit to the new
position and is proportional to the control deviation is followed by
additional actuation pulses if the control deviation is not yet
remedied (I-part). The adjustment time remains constant despite
varying control deviations. Actuator end position function
This function determines the type of control signal in the end
positions OPEN or CLOSED of each actuator.
1 = Continuous voltage at connection OPEN or CLOSED at the
respective end position
2 = De-energised at end position OPEN or CLOSED respectively
Recommendation for the basic setting of the adjustment time with
different heating systems: