F300E Series Install Instructions

Cleaning your Cells
A quick cleaning of the cells can be done by simply wiping down the ionizer wires with a damp cloth. This will
help boost the efciency of the air cleaner between full cleaning cycles. This quick clean can be done every
time the prelters are cleaned.
A full cleaning of the cells will return the air cleaner to its peak efciency. An easy way to wash the cells is in
a tub of hot, soapy water. Just soak the cells until the water cools, agitate and rinse. For details see below
instructions on Cleaning in a Container, Automatic Dishwasher or Washing Cells at the Car Wash.
A full cleaning of the cells can be put off for yearly maintenance because the efciency of the air cleaner
remains high even as it loads up with dirt. A quick cleaning can be done more often. Those wishing to renew to
peak effeciency or with heavier use may want to wash more frequently.
Honeywell recommends using an automatic dishwasher detergent to protect the aluminum of the cells. It is not
recommended to use all purpose cleaners or coil cleaners; these cleaners can degrade the aluminum in the
cells over time.
Replacing your Postlter
1. The postlter is an optional lter that boosts the efciency of the air cleaner. Do not wash the postlter
because that will neutralize the factory applied charge.
2. The postlter should be replaced every six months to ensure peak performance.
Washing Cells in a Container
Hazardous Chemical.
Can cause personal injury.
Do not splash detergent solution in eyes. Wear rubber gloves to avoid prolonged detergent contact with skin.
Keep detergent and solution out of reach of children.
NOTE: Always wash the cells rst, then the prelters, to keep
heavy prelter lint from getting caught in the cells.
1. Use a large enough container, such as a laundry tub or
trash container, to hold one or both cells.
NOTE: Sharp corners on cells can scratch surface of bathtub.
2. Dissolve about 3/4 cup of automatic dishwasher detergent
per cell in enough hot water to cover the cells. If detergent
does not dissolve readily, or forms a scum on the water, try
another brand, or use softened water
3. After detergent has completely dissolved, place cells in the
container and let soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Agitate up and
down a few times and remove.
4. Next, wash the prelters the same way. Empty and rinse the
wash container.
F300 Electronic Air Cleaner 68-0240EF—09 19