Homeowner Brochure

The environment inside your home is an ecosystem –
one that’s constantly changing based on factors like
weather and your family’s lifestyle. If any one part of
that ecosystem is out of balance, it may create issues
that affect the health and happiness of your family,
your pets and your belongings.
91% of U.S. homes contain
particle allergens like dust,
dander and pollen spores
Indoor air can be 2-5X more
polluted than outdoor air
Approximately 1/2 of U.S.
homes have visible evidence
of a dampness problem or
mold contamination
If these four things aren’t optimally balanced for your unique
living space, you might start to experience signs of a home
that’s not well. Those signs may include:
• Creaking, cracking floors and woodwork
• Condensation on windowpanes and windowsills
•  Rooms or areas of the house that are too hot or too cold
• Family members with chronic allergies or asthma
• Mold or moisture build-up
• Musty smells that stick around
We like to call the experience you have with your home’s
environment WholeHome Comfort. There are four things
that can impact WholeHome Comfort:
3Air quality
4Air flow