Homeowner Brochure

For more information
Home and Building Technologies
715 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30308
Q: “I already use a portable air cleaner and humidifier. How is a WholeHome Comfort
Solution different?”
A: Portable devices only treat the air in the room where they’re plugged in, whereas WholeHome solutions attach to the
heating or cooling equipment and treat the air throughout the home.
Plus, portable devices typically require monthly cleaning and maintenance. WholeHome solutions are designed to last as
long as your heating and cooling equipment, and only need to be serviced every few years – making them more effective
(and cost-effective) in the long run.
Q: “I just put a new filter in my furnace. Isn’t that enough?”
A: It depends on your filters efficiency, or MERV, rating. MERV ratings range from 1 to 16, and a higher rating means fewer
particles and pollutants can pass through. Standard 1-inch furnace filters, which capture less than 20% of large particles,
only have a MERV rating of 1 to 4.
Honeywell’s WholeHome Air Cleaning Solutions, which capture more than 90% of large particles and up to 90% of small
particles, have MERV ratings of 11 to 16. Ask your heating or cooling pro to recommend a filter that’s right for your family’s
air quality needs.
Q: “How can I justify the expense of a WholeHome Comfort Solution?”
A: We like to think of WholeHome Comfort not in terms of cost, but as an investment in the well-being of your family, your
pets and your belongings. Plus, if there’s a comfort imbalance, your heating or cooling equipment might actually be
working harder to compensate, which can cost more in the long run.
The great thing about WholeHome Comfort Solutions is that once they’re installed, they work behind the scenes to
continuously balance and optimize your home’s comfort.
AirAdvice “State of Our
Indoor Air” report, 2007
0500550 | SCH | 09/17
© 2017 Honeywell International Inc.