Installation Manual

411UDAC Document #51073 Rev. D 12/09/2008 P/N 51073:D 31
Modes of Operation
CHAPTER 3 Modes of Operation
The 411UDAC has five operational modes:
Normal Mode
Real Time Clock Mode
Program Mode
Troubleshoot Mode
Default Mode
The operational mode for the 411UDAC is Normal Mode. The operator is able to switch between any modes of oper-
ation provided no alarm events are active in the system. It should be noted that the unit will not respond to input acti-
vations while in any mode except Normal Mode.
Access to any other Mode requires connection of the PRO-411 DACT Programmer which consists of a keypad and
display. Refer to Figure 3-1, “Programmer Keypad,” on page 32.
Note that if the 411UDAC is configured to operate as a Slave Communicator, it will attempt to transmit all panel sta-
tus to a Central Station. If set to operate in the Test Communicator configuration, the 411UDAC will function as a
local slave panel only without transmitting panel status to a Central Station.
3.1 Normal Mode
Normal Mode is the standard (default) mode of operation for the 411UDAC. The unit continuously monitors the sta-
tus of the four input channels as well as the status of the onboard digital communicator. If no activity is detected on
the four input channels (no shorts or opens) and the 411UDAC is operating free of internal troubles, the unit will dis-
play the following conditions:
All LEDs are off except the AC Power LED
NAC output is off
Onboard piezo sounder is off
The relays are in their normal deactivated state
Communicator is not transmitting to the Central Station
The 411UDAC transmits system status reports to a central station, if programmed to do so, via the public switched
telephone network. Two supervised telephone line connections are made to interface the digital communicator to the
telephone lines. Both telephone lines are supervised by the 411UDAC for proper voltage.
The 411UDAC is capable of line seizure on both the primary and secondary telephone line interfaces. Any time the
digital communicator detects the necessity to call the Central Station, line seizure will disconnect any local premises
phones sharing the same telephone line. Sharing of phone lines, for fire systems, must be approved by the Local
Authority Having Jurisdiction. All transmissions to the Central Station will be sent over the Primary phone line. In
the event of a noisy or faulty phone line, transmissions will be sent over the backup Secondary phone line.
Transmission options exist to:
send reports to the secondary phone number as backup only
send reports to both the primary and secondary phone numbers
send reports to the first available central station phone number
If 10 total attempts to communicate are unsuccessful, the 411UDAC will turn on the Communication Fail LED.