
FUSION DVR Digital Recording and Transmission System
These schedules are created for the general
installation and have been predefined with basic
All set to Motion – All cameras are set to motion
recording (24 hours/day, 7 days/week)
All set to Continuous – All cameras are set to
continuous recording (24 hours/day, 7 days/week).
Default Schedule 1 – All cameras are set to:
8AM-5PM Continuous recording
5PM-8AM Motion recording
1 Pre-Defined Schedules
Default Schedule 2 – All cameras are set to:
Motion recording 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
Camera 1 associated to sensor input 1
Camera 2 associated to sensor input 2
Camera 3 associated to sensor input 3, etc.
2 Day of Week
When a day of the week is selected, the currently
selected schedule for that day
is modified.
3 Schedule Time Chart
Used to select the time for which each schedule
will be enabled.
4 Schedule Number
The Schedule Number is simply a group of
settings. Up to 32 schedules can be created. Think
of the schedules as transparency paper with words
written on them. When placed one on top of
another, the words can still be seen from the layers
below. These schedules allow a powerful detailed
recording schedule to be created.
5 Special Day Recording
Customize a schedule for a particular day, such as
a Parade Day, Holiday, etc.
6 Camera, Sensor, Relay
Designate which cameras, sensors, and relays are
to be used for the given schedule. These also
correlate the sensors and relay to the camera
(i.e., which sensors will activate a camera(s), etc.)
7 Alarm Options
These are advanced options that send alarm
events (either motion or sensor) to the remote
alarm monitor software and FVMS.