GNS-XL Flight Management System Operator's Manual

List of Abbreviations & Definitions
GNS-XL Flight Management System
Rev. 0
REM Remaining
REQ FPM Required Feet Per Minute
RCVD Received
RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator
RNAV Area Navigation or type of Non Precision
RNG Range
RPU Receiver Processor Unit (Contains the VLF
RW Runway
SAT Satellite (PRN) Number
SID Standard Instrument Departure
SM Software MOD Level
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival
SXTK Selected Crosstrack
T True ( Heading or Track) or whether a Satellite
is being tracked or not.
TACAN TACtical Air Navigation
TAS True Airspeed
TK Track Angle
TKE Track Error
#TOC Top of Climb Profile Point
#TOD Top of Descent Profile Point