Explosive properties
No data available
Oxidizing properties
No data available
Other Information
Softening Point
No data available
VOC Content (%)
No data available
Particle Size
No data available
Particle Size Distribution
Information on likely routes of exposure
Product Information
Specific test data for the substance or mixture is not available.
Eye contact
Specific test data for the substance or mixture is not available.
Skin contact
Specific test data for the substance or mixture is not available.
Specific test data for the substance or mixture is not available.
Component Information
Chemical stability
Stable under recommended storage conditions.
Possibility of Hazardous Reactions
None under normal processing.
Hazardous Polymerization
Hazardous polymerization does not occur.
Conditions to avoid
None known based on information supplied.
Incompatible materials
None known based on information supplied.
Hazardous Decomposition Products
Carbon oxides.
None known
None known
Autoignition temperature
No data available None known
Vapor density
Decomposition temperature
No data available
No data available
None known
Lower flammability limit
No data available
Kinematic viscosity
No data available
None known
None known
Dynamic viscosity
No data available
Revision Date 20-Feb-2015
None known
Specific Gravity
No data available None known
Water Solubility
Insoluble in water None known
Solubility in other solvents
No data available
Vapor pressure
No data available
None known
1084866 - 38002 Universal Replacement Pre Filter
Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water
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No data available
No data available.