TrueEASE Owner's Manual

Congratulations on your new humidier.
The Honeywell Humidier provides the comfort of humidied air, with easier maintenance than traditional
humidiers. We are sure the humidier will be a welcome addition to your home.
How is the humidier different from other ow-through humidiers?
All Models:
- The humidier operates automatically, just like a thermostat, to keep your home’s humidity at the desired
- The humidier is easier to maintain: just change the pad once a year. The pad is easily accessible and does
not require tools to change it.
- The humidier can deliver humidity when it’s needed, not just when the heat is on. This allows you to achieve
ideal humidity levels in your home year-round.
Advanced Models:
- The humidier wastes less water than other ow-through humidiers.
How should I get started? Your humidier must be installed by an HVAC professional. If the humidier has
just been installed, it should either be running and humidifying your home, or waiting for a humidity call from
the humidity control.
Once the humidier is running, all you have to do is use the humidity control to change the humidity to your
desired comfort.
Please read this manual completely for tips on getting the most out of your humidier.
Read your humidity control manual and make sure you know how to operate your system.
If you have questions, now or later, please refer to this manual or ask your installer.
Humidier 69-2414EF—09