Operation Manual

102 | Embedded Network Video Recorder User Guide
Period Configure when the event detection area is active.
1. Click Set. The Set configuration interface appears.
2. Select a day of the week, or Work Day or Free Day.
Note If you select Work Day or Free Day, a Set button
appears so you can configure which days are Work
Days and which days are Free Days. Click Set, select
the Work Days and the Free Days, then click OK.
3. Configure a time range for when the event detection area
is active, then click the check box to select that time range.
Note Newer configurations override previous
configurations. For example, if you configure Work
Days with an event detection area active period from
8:30 to 17:30, and then Configure a Monday alarm
period for 7:10 to 18:00, the Monday event detection
area active period overrides the Work Day event
detection area active period. So on Mondays, the
event detection area active period will be 7:10 to 18:00.
Alarm Out Select the device output port, from 1 to 3. Select the
corresponding port(s) so the system can activate the
corresponding alarm devices when an alarm occurs.
Latch When a video loss event is complete, the system
automatically delays, for a specified time, the NVR from
detecting new video loss detection events.
Table 3-24 Video Loss Detection Configurations
Configuration Description