Operation Manual

NVR Configurations | 125
800-18160 - A - 06/2014
Figure 3-70 ACCOUNT Configuration Interface
Account Naming Conventions The maximum length for the account name and user name is
6 bytes. There cannot be a space at the beginning or the end of the name string. But there can
be a space in the middle. You can use letters, numbers, underline, subtraction/hyphen, and a
period in the name.
Account Management The system account adopts a two-level management: group and user.
There is no limit to the number of groups or users.
Group or User Management For group or user management, there are two levels: admin and
User and Group Naming Conventions The maximum length for a user or group name is 8
bytes. There are four default users: admin, 888888, and 666666, plus a hidden user default. All
default users except 666666 have administrator rights.
Hidden Default User The hidden user, default, is for internal system use only, and can not be
deleted. When logging in without a user name, the system automatically uses the hidden user.
You can configure some rights for the hidden user, such as the right to monitor video, so that
you can view video channels without logging in.
User Limitations Users can belong to only one group. User rights can not exceed the rights
of the group to which it belongs.
Reusable Function Click to enable the Reuseable function, which allows multiple users to
use the same account for logging in.
Adding or Modifying a Group
The procedures for adding a group and modifying a group are similar. The Add Group
configuration interface is shown in this example.