Operation Manual

Web Operation | 195
800-18160 - A - 06/2014
Figure 5-56 Image Storage Configuration Interface
2. Select an HDD Group from the drop-down menu, then click Save.
Configuring Settings
In the Settings configuration interface, you can configure:
General settings such as the device’s name, number, language, video standard, date and
time settings, and holidays. See Configuring General Settings on page 195.
Account settings for different users, including privileges, passwords, and groups. See
Configuring Account Settings on page 198.
Display settings such as the GUI settings, monitor settings, tour settings, and
zero-channel encoding. See Configuring Display Settings on page 203.
Alarm Out settings such as the alarm output mode (auto/manual/stop). See Enabling and
Disabling Alarm Out Settings on page 204.
Default settings for the network, events, storage, the system configuration, and cameras.
See Returning to Default Settings on page 205.
Configuration Backup settings for importing and exporting the configuration files. See
Configuring Backup Settings on page 205.
Automatic Maintenance settings such as automatic rebooting and automatically deleting
files. See Configuring Automatic Maintenance Settings on page 206.
Pan/Tilt/Zoom settings such as PTZ encoding, channel, type, and bit rates. See
Configuring Pan/Tilt/Zoom Settings on page 207.
Preview Control settings such as single channel view or multiple channel view. See
Configuring Preview Control Settings on page 208.
Configuring General Settings
Click the General arrow to expand the General selection tree.