Operation Manual

NVR Configurations | 69
800-18160 - A - 06/2014
RS232 Configuration Interface
Table 3-11 RS232 Configurations
Parameter Function
Function Select from six devices.
Console: Use the COM or mini-end software to upgrade or
debug the program.
Control Keyboard: Use the special keyboard to control the
Transparent COM (adapter): Connect to the PC to directly
transfer data.
Protocol COM: Used for card overlay.
Network Keyboard: Use the special keyboard to control the
PTZ Matrix: Use to connect to the peripheral matrix control.
The default setting is: Console.
Baudrate Select an appropriate baud rate.
The default setting is 115200.
Data Bits Select an appropriate data bit. Select from 5 to 8.
The default setting is 8.
Stop Bits Select from: 1, 1.5, or 2.
The default setting is 1.
Parity Select from: None, Odd, Even, Space Mark.
The default is N one.