Operation Manual

Configuring Camera Settings | 79
800-21090V2 - A - 03/2016
3. Click Apply to save your settings.
4. If you want to save your settings and exit the SETTING menu, click OK.
Configuring Encoding Settings
To configure a camera’s video and audio encoding settings
1. In the SETTING field in the Main Menu, go to REMOTE > Video&Audio > Encode.
Figure 6-3 Camera Encoding Settings Tab
2. On the Encode tab, in the Channel box, select the camera that you want to configure.
•Scene Mode This is the white balance. You can select different scene modes
such as Auto, Sunny, Night, or Customized, to achieve the best
quality video.
Scene Modes:
Auto: Auto white balance is on. The system automatically adjusts
the color temperature to ensure that the video color is correct.
Sunny: The white balance threshold is set to sunny mode.
Night: The white balance threshold is set to night mode.
Customized: You can manually set the gain for the red/blue
channel. The value ranges from 0 to 100.