Operation Manual

46 | Performance Series Full Poe Embedded NVR Remote User Guide
Figure 3-12 PPPoE Configuration Interface
2. Enter the PPPoE User name and Password, which you receive from your Internet Service
Provider (ISP).
3. Enable the PPPoE function.
4. Click Save to save the changes.
5. Reboot the device to activate these changes.
After rebooting, the device should connect to the Internet through the PPPoE connection.
The IP address is found in the WAN from the IP address column.
Note You need to use the previous IP address in the LAN to log into the device. Go to
the IP address field, which is found in the device’s current device information.
You can access the NVR through this new address.
Configuring DDNS
Use DDNS to connect the various servers so that you can access the system through the server.
1. Go to the corresponding service website to apply for a domain name.
2. Access the system through that domain name.
Note This works even if your IP address has changed.
3. Select DDNS from the drop-down list.
Table 3-8 DDNS Configuration Options
Configuration Description
DDNS Type Select the DDNS protocol from the drop-down list, then
enable the DDNS function.
Server IP The DDNS server IP address.