
Linear / Angular / Rotary
Displacement Sensors
HMC1501 / HMC1512
igh resolution, low power MR sensor
capable of measuring the angle
direction of a magnetic field from a
magnet with <0.07° resolution.
Advantages of measuring field
direction versus field strength include:
insensitivity to the tempco of the
magnet, less sensitivity to shock and
vibration, and the ability to withstand
large variations in the gap between
the sensor and magnet. These
sensors may be operated on 3 volts
with bandwidth response of 0-5 MHz.
Output is typical Wheatstone bridge.
No Rare Earth Magnets Unlike Hall effect devices which may require samarium cobalt or similar “rare earth”
magnets, the HMC1501 and HMC1512 can function with Alnico or ceramic type magnets.
Wide Angular Range HMC1501—Angular range of ±45° with <0.07° resolution.
HMC1512—Angular range of ±90° with <0.05° resolution.
Effective Linear Range Linear range of 8mm with two sensors mounted on two ends; range may be increased
through multiple sensor arrays operating together.
Absolute Sensing Unlike incremental “encoding” devices, sensors know the exact position and require no
indexing for proper positional output.
Non-Contact Sensing No moving parts to wear out; no dropped signals from worn tracks as in conventional
contact based rotary sensors.
Small Package Available in an 8-pin surface mount package with case dimensions (exclusive of pins), of
5mm x 4mm x 1.2mm total mounting envelope, with pins of less than 6mm square.
Large Signal Output Full Scale output range of 120mV with 5V of power supply.
Linear Displacement
Angular Displacement
Motor Control
Valve Position
Proximity Detection
Current Spike Detection
Not actual size

Summary of content (4 pages)