User's Manual

PW-6000 Installation and Configuration Guide, Document 800-00005, Revision A v
Figure 1: PW-6000 Connections, LEDs, and DIP Switches .............................. 7
Figure 2: PW-6000 Power Terminals ............................................................... 13
Figure 3: PW-6000 Port Wiring ....................................................................... 14
Figure 4: PW-6000 TMP and FLT Terminals .................................................. 14
Figure 5: PW-6000 Web Server Login Screen ................................................. 15
Figure 6: PW-6000 Web Server Home Page .................................................... 16
Figure 7: PW-6000 Web Server Network Settings Screen .............................. 17
Figure 8: PW-6000 Host Port Configuration Screen with IP Server
Connection ...................................................................................................... 18
Figure 9: PW-6000 Host Port Configuration Screen with IP Client
Connection ..................................................................................................... 20
Figure 10: PW-6000 Host Port Configuration with Serial RS-232 Connection 21
Figure 11: PW-6000 Web Server Device HW Info Screen ................................ 22
Figure 12: PW-6000 Web Server User Info Screen ........................................... 23
Figure 13: PW-6000 Web Server Restore Default Screen ................................. 24
Figure 14: PW-6000 Web Server Apply Setting Screen .................................... 25