User manual

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Beeper Pitch – Good Read
The beeper pitch codes modify the pitch (frequency) of the beep the scanner emits on a good read. The Medium pitch dif-
fers for the Xenon and Granit scanners. Default = Medium.
Vibrate – Good Read
Note: Vibration settings apply only to Granit Devices.
The scanner vibrates once when a bar code is successfully read, and twice when a programming bar code is successfully
read. When a programming bar code is unsuccessful, the scanner emits one long vibration (2 times the Vibrate Duration
length). Scan Vibrate - Good Read Off to keep the scanner from vibrating. Default = Vibrate - Good Read On.
Vibrate Duration
If you want to set the length for the good read vibration, scan the bar code below, then set the duration (from 100 -
2,000 milliseconds) by scanning digits from the inside back cover, then scanning Save. Default = 300 ms.
Low (1600 Hz)
* Medium - Xenon
(2700 Hz)
* Medium - Granit
(3200 Hz)
High (4200 Hz)
Vibrate- Good Read Off
* Vibrate- Good Read On
Vibrate Duration