User manual

4 - 9
In-Stand Sensor Mode
Note: The In-Stand Sensor feature only applies to Xenon products.
This feature senses when the scanner is removed from the stand and tells it to begin manual triggering. When Sensor On is
enabled, the scanner defaults to Streaming Presentation Mode when it is in the stand, and to Manual Trigger Mode when it is
removed from the stand. Default = Sensor On.
Note: If you are taking images (see Imaging Commands beginning on page 9-1), you must set the In-Stand Sensor to Off.
You may program a Streaming Presentation Mode (Normal, Enhanced, or Mobile Phone) you wish to use for in-stand scanning,
and a Manual Trigger mode (Normal, Enhanced, or Mobile Phone) you wish to use for out-of-stand scanning. To do this, you
must first scan the preferred Streaming Presentation mode (see below), then scan the Manual Trigger mode (see page 4-6 and
page 4-11) you want to use.
Poor Quality Codes
Poor Quality 1D Codes
This setting improves the scanner’s ability to read damaged or badly printed linear bar codes. When Poor Quality 1D
Reading On is scanned, poor quality linear bar code reading is improved, but the scanner’s snappiness is decreased, mak-
ing it less aggressive when reading good quality bar codes. This setting does not affect 2D bar code reading. Default =
Poor Quality 1D Reading Off.
Right of Presentation Centering
* Sensor On
Sensor Off
Poor Quality 1D Reading On
* Poor Quality 1D Reading Off