Use and Care Manual

Always be careful when using the machine. To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or other
injuries, keep these safety considerations in mind when installing, using, and maintaining your
This product contains fluorinated greenhouse gases. Never try to interfere with the
refrigerant circuit yourself or disassemble the product yourself and always ask a
professional. The specification of the fuse is printed on the circuit board, such as:
3.15A/250V AC, etc. Refrigerant leakage contributes to climate change. Refrigerant with
lower global warming potential (GWP) would contribute less to global warming than a
refrigerant with higher GWP, if leaked to the atmosphere. This appliance contains a
refrigerant fluid with a GWP equal to [2088]. This means that if 1 kg of this refrigerant fluid
would be leaked to the atmosphere, the impact on global warming would be [2088] times
higher than 1 kg of CO2 , over a period of 100 years.
1. Do not open windows and doors for a long time when the air conditioner is running. This will cause
the cooling or heating capacity to be weakened.
2. Do not stand /sit on top of the outdoor unit and do not place heavy items on it.
3. Do not apply cold air from the unit to the body for a prolonged time.
4. It is recommended that the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor temperature should
not be too large. Appropriate adjustments of the setting temperature can prevent the waste of
5. If your air conditioner is not fitted with a supply cord and a plug, an all-pole switch must be installed
in the fixed wiring and the distance between contacts should be no less than 0.1 inch.
6. If your air conditioner is permanently connected to the fixed wiring, a residual current device (RCD)
having rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA should be installed in the fixed wiring.
7. The power supply circuit should have leakage protector and air switch of which the capacity should be
more than 1.5 times of the maximum current.