Multi-Function Display/GPS Pilot's Guide

Rev 4 Aug/2007
KMD 250 Pilot's Guide
Section 1
Basic Operation
General Information
The Near Position (NEAR POS) display is intended to provide an easy
method of reporting aircraft position to Air Traffic Control. This is done
by always displaying the nearest reporting position to the aircraft’s pre-
sent position in the Data Field. The position criteria can be set to display
the nearest VORs, VORs plus airports or all data (airports, VORs,
VOR/DME, VORTAC, NDB, VRP). Settings are made on the Navigation
Setup Page discussed later in this section.
To turn the Data Fields on or off,
perform the follow steps:
1. Press the MENU Key to dis-
play Figure 1-1.
2. Press the CHANGE FIELDS
Softkey to display Figure 1-2. If
the Data Fields were on to begin
with, a FIELDS OFF Softkey will
be available. If the Data Fields
were off, a FIELDS ON Softkey
will be available. Pressing this
Softkey will toggle the Data Fields
on and off.
3. When finished press the
DONE Softkey.
To change Data Fields, perform
the follow steps:
1. Perform steps 1 and 2 above.
With the Data Fields turned on,
use the Joystick to select the
desired Data Field as shown in
Figure 1-3. In this case the top
Data Field is selected and displays
BRG as indicated in the list.
2. When the desired Data Field
is selected, use the Rotary Knob to
select data from the list to be dis-
played in that Data Field.
These settings will be maintained
until changed by the user.
3. When finished press the DONE
Pressing the RESTORE DEFAULT Softkey will reset the Data Fields
back to the factory settings.
Figure 1-1
Figure 1-2
Figure 1-3