2008-10-20 Page 2 of 3 Version: 2
Skin Contact: If exposed to a leaking battery, remove contaminated clothing. Wash exposed areas with
plenty of water and soap. If irritation occurs, consult a physician.
Eye contact: If a battery is leaking and materials contact eyes, flush immediately with running water for at
least 15 minutes. Consult an ophthalmologist at once.
Ingestion: Not anticipated due to size of batteries. Choking may occur with the smaller size batteries. If
exposed to a leaking battery, rinse mouth and surrounding areas with running water for at least
15 minutes. Give plenty of water to drink. Do not induce vomiting. Obtain medical advice.
5 Fire-fighting measures
Suitable extinguishing media: Carbon dioxide (CO
), foam, dry chemical powder.
Extinguishing media not to be used: Never use a direct water jet.
Exposure hazards from combustion products: In case of fire, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other
toxic organic substances will be generated. Do not inhale fumes and smoke.
Personal protective equipments: Wear full protective clothing. Use self-contained breathing apparatus.
6 Accidental release measures
Personal precautions: Notify safety personnel of large spills. Caustic potassium hydroxide may be
released from leaking or ruptured batteries. Avoid eye or skin contact and inhalation
of vapours. Increase the ventilation. Wear protective clothing. Keep unprotected
persons away.
Environmental precautions: Avoid discharge and penetration into sewerage systems, waterways, pits,
and cellars.
Methods for cleaning up: Collect spilled material with an insert standard absorbent like sand or silica.
Care for well-ventilated conditions. Recycle or dispose of the materials in an
appropriate way.
7 Handling and storage
General handling: Obey the common known rules and precautions for handling with chemicals. Avoid
mechanical and electrical abuse. Do not short battery or install incorrectly. Batteries may
explode, pyrolize or vent if disassembled, crushed, recharged or exposed to high
temperatures. Install batteries according to equipment instructions. Do not mix battery
systems, such as alkaline and zinc- carbon. Replace all batteries in equipment at the
same time. Do not carry batteries loose in pocket or bag. Do not remove battery labels.
Storage: Store product in well-filled, appropriate coated and tightly closed containers avoiding influence of
oxygen/air, light and humidity. Storage at room temperature.
8 Exposure controls and personal protection
Exposition/Technical measures: Atmospheric vapour concentrations must be minimized by adequate
Protection of hands, eyes and skin: None required under normal use conditions. When handling leaking
batteries, use neoprene, rubber or nitrile gloves and wear safety glasses to protect
hands, eyes and skin.
General safety and hygiene measures: Use only as directed.
9 Physical and chemical properties
Physical state: Stainless steel top battery Colour: Contents dark and gray in colour
Odour: N.A.
Melting point: N.A.
Boiling point: N.A.
Flash point: N.A.
Explosion limit: Not available
Ignition temperature: Not available
Vapour pressure: Not available
Specific gravity: N.A.
Solubility in water: N.A.
Solubility in other solvents: N.A.