Product Overview

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sequence restarts. If the condition is not corrected and the
hold condition exists for four minutes, the relay module locks
out. Causes for hold conditions in the INITIATE sequence are:
1. Ac line dropout is detected.
2. Ac line frequency error.
3. Ac line noise occurred that prevents a sufficient reading
of the line voltage inputs.
4. Brownout occurred caused by a low line voltage.
The INITIATE sequence also delays the burner motor starter
from being energized and de-energized from an intermittent
ac line input or control input.
The relay module is ready to start an operating sequence
when the operating control input determines a call for heat is
present. The burner switch, limits, operating limit control and
all microcomputer monitored circuits must be in the correct
state for the relay module to continue into the SAFE-START
CHECK (RM7890) or the PREPURGE (RM7895) sequence.
Normal Startup
Safe-Start Check
The RM7890, RM7895 verify that a flame does not exist and
proceeds into the Ignition Trial. If a flame is present, the relay
module recycles to the STANDBY period. If the critical loads
are not in the correct state, a safety shutdown occurs.
Prepurge (RM7895)
The RM7895 provides a selectable PREPURGE timing from
two seconds to thirty minutes (using the ST7800 Plug-in
Purge Timer) with power applied and the RM7895 operating
control indicating a call for heat.
1. Airflow Interlock, burner switch and all microcomputer
monitored circuits must be in the correct operating state.
2. The blower motor output, terminal 4, is powered to start
the PREPURGE sequence.
3. The Airflow Interlock input must close ten seconds into
PREPURGE or within the specified purge card timing;
otherwise, a recycle to the beginning of PREPURGE or
lockout occurs depending on how the airflow switch
selectable jumper is configured.
Ignition Trials
Pilot Flame Establishing Period (PFEP):
1. The pilot valve and ignition transformer, terminals 8 and
10, are energized. The relay module has an intermittent
pilot valve, terminal 8.
2. Flame must be proven by the end of the 4- or
10-second PFEP to allow the sequence to continue. If
flame is not proven by the end of PFEP, a safety
shutdown occurs. For the RM7890 only: if the flame is
established within the PFEP, the system immediately
goes to the RUN state.
3. With flame proven (RM7895 reaches the end of the
PFEP), the ignition, terminal 10, is de-energized and the
main valve, terminal 9, is energized.
The relay module is now in RUN and remains in RUN until
terminal 6, the controller input, opens, indicating that the call
for heat demand is satisfied or that a limit has opened.
Selectable Site-Configurable
The RM7890 has two site-configurable jumper options and the
RM7895 has three. See Fig. 15 and Tables 8 and 9. The site-
configurable jumpers should be clipped with side cutters and
the resistors removed from the relay module.
SERVICE NOTE:For RM7890 when using a 3-second
amplifier, clip and remove site-configu-
rable jumper JR2. If not removed, an F46
Lockout occurs.
Clipping jumpers after 200 hours of operation will
result in a hard lockout (Fault Code 110).
Fig. 15. Selectable site-configurable jumpers (RM7895
Table 8. Site-Configurable Jumper Options (RM7890).
The Relight feature (JR2) requires a 0.8 second FFRT flame amplifier.
Jumper Number Description Intact Clipped
JR1 Pilot Flame Establishing Period 10 seconds 4 seconds
JR2 Flame Failure Action