Product Overview

11 65-0249—07
1. Due to the amount of data provided by the R7999, some registers contain two parameters, one in the Data Hi byte and one in
the Data Lo byte. Using Register 40429 as an example: The format for “Abort Code” is “U16H”, meaning the Data Hi byte is the
parameter’s value, and for “Abort Code Count”, with a format of “U16L”, the Data Lo byte is the parameter’s value. So a query of
01 03 01 AC 00 01 might result in a response of 01 03 00 02 05 10 which means “Abort Code = 5” and “Abort Code Count =
0x10”. Each parameter value is a byte.
2. Parameter values in this table change infrequently and can take up to 39 seconds for all data to be available, except for registers
40443 through 40444, which are updated twice a second.
3.“Device Data Ready” and “S7810M Compatibility” bits can be used to quickly check device availability and compatibility then
read/write registers of only these devices.
4. If “Device Data Ready” is true for the R7999, then all “Registers nnnnn-nnnnn are current” flags are true. If “Device Data Ready”
is false for the R7999, then one or more of the “Registers nnnnn-nnnnn are current” flags are false. This is used to verify that the
R7999 parameter values were received when expected. Otherwise, the values for the register range could be greater than 40
seconds old.
5. R7999 Auxiliary Temperature data: Release Temperature, Enforce Temperature and Auxiliary Input Temperature need to be cal-
culated. use the following conversion formulas:
a. m = ((MaxAuxTmp) - (MinAuxTmp))/3108.
b. b = MinAuxTmp - (m * 777).
c. Release Temperature = (m * ReleaseTemperatureCounts) + b.
d. Enforce Temperature = (m * EnforceTemperatureCounts) + b.
e. mAux = 193.37/(MaxAuxTmp - MinAuxTmp).
f. bAux = 48.34 - (mAux *MinTmp - 40))
g. Auxiliary Input Temperature = (AuxiliaryInput -bAux)/mAux
See Table 14 for register numbers and variables.
6. 0-4095 translates to 0-115 degrees except for pot resistance which translates to 0-10000 ohms. The actuators have a maximum
movement of 115 degrees.
115 / 4095 = about 0.028 degrees per count. All positions are in reference to the actuators’ closed endpoint.
To translate to Degrees:
Closed Endpoint is considered a virtual = 0 degrees
Span = (Open Endpoint – Closed Endpoint) * 0.028
Current Position = (Current Position – Closed Endpoint) * 0.028
Actuator Preset Position = (Actuator Preset – Closed Endpoint) * 0.028
To Translate to Percent 0-100%:
Position = ((Current Position – Closed Endpoint ) / ( Open Endpoint – Closed Endpoint ))* 100
Preset Position = ((Preset Position – Closed Endpoint ) / ( Open Endpoint – Closed Endpoint ))* 100
Table 14. Temperature Data Registers
Register (Decimal) Variable
40142 AuxiliaryInput
40432 MinAuxTmp
40433 MaxAuxTmp
40334 ReleaseTemperatureCounts
40435 EnforceTemperatureCounts