Owner's Manual

3 Functional Description
3.1 Signal Transmission from FACP to Central Station
The path of a signal from the FACP to the Central Station receiver through the TG-
7FS LTE unit has three main stages:
1. Local capture of the signal: Using dialer capture technology
2. Data delivery to the TCC: By means of the carrier of choice
3. Delivery of the signal to the Central Station: Through a choice of IP or PSTN
3.1.1 Dialer Capture
The TG-7FS LTE unit has a patented integrated interface that allows digital dialers to
dial into the unit using the following specifications:
Line voltage: -30 Vdc into standard telephone device when on hook.
Dial tone: Precision 350 + 440Hz +/- 1%. 10 digits dial out capability.
Mode: Loop start only. 25mA +/- 10% off-hook.
As long as the TG-7FS LTE unit has a proper connection to the wireless network, it
will provide a dial tone for the FACP to use. Once the FACP has dialed in, the TG-7FS
LTE will interact with the panel by providing handshakes and kiss-offs, similar to a
Central Station receiver. Provided that the alarm data received is valid per the alarm
format protocol, the TG-7FS LTE will capture the message and pertinent information
for delivery, while the FACP will be satisfied with the received kiss-off. If an invalid
format, or invalid data is captured, no kiss-off will be provided.
Compatible formats for the TG-7FS LTE units are:
Pulse Formats (Hexadecimal account numbers can be used):
o 3+1 pulse; 10pps, Double Round, 1400 Hz ack
o 3+1 pulse; 20pps, Double Round, 2300 Hz ack
o 3+1 pulse; 40pps, Double Round, 2300 Hz ack
o 4+2 pulse; 20pps, Double Round, 1400 Hz ack
o 4+2 pulse; 20pps, Double Round, 2300 Hz ack
o 4+2 pulse; 40pps, Double Round, 2300 Hz ack
Contact ID (Hexadecimal account numbers can be used, 4 or 10 digits in
Modem IIe/IIIa2/4 (Hexadecimal account numbers can be used, 4 digits in
SIA2 (SIA-DC-03 level 2 release at 300 baud)