Video Game Keyboard User Manual

UltraKey Lite Controller Installation and User Guide
Document 800-07422 Rev A 61
Figure 4-12 UltraKey Lite Login page
Step 1: Configure UltraKey Lite to MAXPRO Mode
1. Log into the web browser.
2. From the top menu, click the Configuration tab. See Figure 4-13.
3. From the side menu, click the System Configurations tab.
4. From the System Mode drop-down list, select MAXPRO.
5. From the System Language drop-down list, select English or French.
6. From the Background Light drop-down list select ON or OFF.
7. Click Apply to save the configuration, Cancel to exit without saving or Default to
restore all factory default values.
Figure 4-13 System Configuration Tab
Step 2: Configure MAXPRO Network Settings
1. From the side menu, click MAXPRO Configuration. See Figure 4-14.
2. Under Keyboard ID Setting, enter a number between 1 and 99 to set the controller