UMC800 Controller Installation and User Guide

104 UMC800 Controller Installation and User Guide Release F
Offline mode, 53
Operating conditions, 99
Operational modes, 53
—P, Q—
Part Numbers, 91
Power, 11
Power Consumption, 11
power supply
replacement, 76
Power supply option, 16
Pre-installation considierations, 11
Program mode, 53
Relative Humidity, 11
Remote access of controller with modem, 44
Replacement Parts, 91
Replacement procedures, 70
Backplane, 77
CPU, 75
I/O Modules, 74
Power fuse, 72
Power supply, 76
RS 485 Modbus RTU, 10, 42, 61. See also CPU option
RS485 to RS232 converter, 42
Run mode, 53
Scan rate, 58, 97
Shield Terminations, 24
Specifications, 93
Status indicators, 59
Terminal blocks, 23
Troubleclearing, 81
Troubleshooting, 79
firmware, 57
Uploading (storing) files, 57
Vibration, 11
—W, X, Y, Z
Warm start, 52, 58
Warranty, 63
Field Wiring, 24
I/O modules, 23
Power supply, 51
Write protect jumper, 68