User Guide

holiday configuration is applicable for every year. T7350
supports a maximum of 10 holidays. A holiday follows a
holiday schedule configured in the Scheduling page.
To configure a holiday:
A holiday can be configured by either specifying a date or by
specifying a day in a month.
Select Holiday:
Select the option Weekday/Month for every year to
configure a holiday by selecting a weekday in a month. When
this option is selected, Select Holiday Start Date and Start
Holiday Start Day options are enabled which allow the user
to configure the holiday start month and a start day
respectively. The days are the relative days, like FIRST_SUN,
Select Date By:
Select the option Specific Date for every year to configure a
holiday by selecting a Specific Date for every Year. When this
option is selected Select Holiday Start Date option is
enabled, which allows the user to configure the holiday start
date. The default selection is the system date.
Both the options are accompanied by duration to be
configured through Select Holiday Duration option. The
duration can be configured from 1 to 99 days.
Select one of the above options and click on Add button to
add to the holiday list. Select a holiday in the Holiday list to
remove it from the holiday list.
Load U.S. Holidays:
When this option is selected, pre-configured US holidays are
loaded into the holiday list.
The following are the pr-configured US holidays:
January 1
Memorial Day
July 4
Labor Day
Thanksgiving and Day After
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
If there are more than four holidays already configured then
the Load US Holidays option will not load all of the six pre-
configured holidays because they would exceed the maximum
holiday count. The first few US holidays are loaded until the
total count has reached the maximum of 10 holidays.
No duplicate holidays are allowed.'
NOTE: TStatSpec maintains an internal numbering to each
holiday. So, if a holiday is deleted from the middle of
a list and a new holiday is added, it will occupy the
empty slot in between the list.
Save and Restore Holidays from a file:
This option allows the user to backup the configured holiday
list so that it can be restored later.
Save Holidays:
This allows the user to backup the current holiday
configuration to a file, so that it can be restored later to any
Selecting this option brings up a Save As dialog where the
user can specify a file name with .qhs extension to save the
holiday configuration.
Restore Holidays:
This allows the user to restore the previously saved holiday
configuration from a .qhs file. When this option is selected, a
warning message is displayed:
This will replace the currently configured holiday
list with the new holiday list. Do you wish to
continue?. If user selects to proceed, an Open
dialog is invoked where user can specify a .qhs
file to restore holidays from. This operation
overrides the currently configured holiday list with
the restored holiday configuration.
T7350 Monitoring
Summary screen:
Fig. 36. Monitor Summary Page
This screen displays the default set of points along with value
and units for a given device of type T7350. The screen also
provides a list of points other than default ones. User can add
or remove points to be monitored from the list, as well as
saving the customized list of points.
The monitor option of the selected T7350 device will be
displayed as below. A default set of network variables along
with their parameter description, current value and the
corresponding unit will be displayed as spreadsheet on the left
hand side of the screen. Clicking on Modify list button will
display a list of network variables.