User Guide

When the Modify Summary button is clicked, the modify list
appears and variables can be added or subtracted to/from the
default list using Add, Add All, Rem, Rem All buttons.
Select list of variables to be monitored in the list box and
select Add button. The new list of variables will get appended
to the spreadsheet and corresponding values will be updated
along with units. Similarly the variables in the spreadsheet can
be removed. Save the list using the Save List button. The
customized list that is saved will be shown next time the
monitor screen is opened.
After clicking the Modify List button, the Modify List button
will be changed to Save List, and the Copy Summary button
will be changed to the Cancel button. The new list box with
the new list of points will appear under Select the
Parameters You Wish to Add or Subtract from the
Summary option.
Clicking on Save List button will change it back to Modify
List. The default list will be updated with the additional points
added from the modify list so that the default list contains
those points when the screen is displayed next time.
The customized default list is specific to the currently selected
Some points related to the configured sensors are invalid if
the corresponding sensor is not configured. Such points are
indicated with the point names are with '(uncfgd)'. These
points will not be included in the default list of points even if
they were previously saved to be displayed in the default list.
Example: ODTemp will be shown as ODTemp(Uncfgd) if the
outdoor air temperature sensor is not configured.
Set Points/Override Screen:
The Setpoints/Override screen displays the heating and
cooling setpoints and occupancy override options. The values
can be monitored and modified and updated to the device.
The validation rules for setpoints are same as shown in the
configuration screens. The overrides are Manual Occ, System
Switch, Fan Switch and Disable Delays.
The manual occupancy is read and written to nviOccManCmd.
The Manual Occ option displays the following options:
The System Switch will display the following options: The NV
that is read and written to is nviApplicMode.nviApplicMode
EMERG HEAT option will be displayed only if equipment type
is configured as heat pump in the T7350 configuration screen.
The Fan Switch shall display the following options: The NV
that is read and written to is nviFanAuto
The Disable Delays option shall have the following options:
The NV that is read and written to is
Delay ON
Delay OFF
If the option Delay OFF is selected and tries to navigate to
other page, a message will be displayed asking to put back
the option to Delay ON(enable the delays), with a Yes/No
If the user selects Yes, the option is put back to Delay ON (the
delays are enabled).
The user shall be able to change the setpoints and overrides
and update back to the controller by clicking on the Apply
Alarms Screen
Fig. 37. Alarm Screen