user manual

DCP200 Profile Controller & Recorder - Product Manual
51-52-25-150, Issue 1 April 2009 Profiler Option Page 73
Profile Abort Actions
If a running profile is forced to end early, the Profile Abort Action defines action taken by
the instrument. This is set in the General Profile Configuration section of the Profile Setup
Menu, and is common to all profiles.
The possible options are explained below.
Possible Profile Abort Actions:
Abort the profile and maintain the value of the setpoint at the time of the abort.
Abort the profile and exit Profiler Mode using the Controller Setpoint value.
Abort the profile and remain in Profiler Mode with the Control outputs off.
Figure 46. Profile Abort Action
Controller SP
(Start-on SP)
Profile Aborted
= Control Off
Last Profile SP
Controller SP