user manual

DCP200 Profile Controller & Recorder - Product Manual
51-52-25-150, Issue 1 April 2009 Modbus Parameters Page 85
Parameter Name
Modbus Address
Input Signal Under
Range Flag
1033 0x0409 RO
Process Input Under Range Status
0 Inactive
1 Active
Input Signal Over
Range Flag
1034 0x040A RO
Process Input Over Range Status
0 Inactive
1 Active
Cold Junction
1035 0x040B R/W
CJC Status
0 Disabled
Enabled (
Calibration Reminder
1048 0x0418 R/W
Calibration Reminder Status
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
Calibration Reminder
1049 0x0419 R/W Data Format = ddmmyy where dd = day, mm = month
and yy = year (e.g. 200308 is 20
March 2008)
Calibration Reminder
1052 0x041C RO
Calibration Status
0 Calibration OK
1 Calibration Required
Multi-point Scaling
1053 0x041D R/W
point Scaling Status
0 Disabled
Enabled (
only if the input type is linear
Scale Point 1 1054 0x041E R/W 0.1 to 100.0%
Display Point 1 1055 0x041F R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum
Scale Point 2 1056 0x0420 R/W >Scale point 1 to 100.0%
Display Point 2 1057 0x0421 R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum
Scale Point 3 1058 0x0422 R/W >Scale point 2 to 100.0%
Display Point 3 1059 0x0423 R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum
Scale Point 4 1060 0x0424 R/W >Scale point 3 to 100.0%
Display Point 4 1061 0x0425 R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum
Scale Point 5 1062 0x0426 R/W >Scale point 4 to 100.0%
Display Point 5 1063 0x0427 R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum
Scale Point 6 1064 0x0428 R/W >Scale point 5 to 100.0%
Display Point 6 1065 0x0429 R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum
Scale Point 7 1066 0x042A R/W >Scale point 6 to 100.0%
Display Point 7 1067 0x042B R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum
Scale Point 8 1068 0x042C R/W >Scale point 7 to 100.0%
Display Point 8 1069 0x042D R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum
Scale Point 9 1070 0x042E R/W >Scale point 8 to 100.0%
Display Point 9 1071 0x042F R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum
Scale Point 10 1072 0x0430 R/W >Scale point 9 to 100.0%
Display Point 10 1073 0x0431 R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum
Scale Point 11 1074 0x0432 R/W >Scale point 10 to 100.0%
Display Point 11 1075 0x0433 R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum
Scale Point 12 1076 0x0434 R/W >Scale point 11 to 100.0%
Display Point 12 1077 0x0435 R/W Valid between scale range maximum and minimum