user manual

DCP200 Profile Controller & Recorder - Product Manual
Page 94 Modbus Parameters 51-52-25-150, Issue 1 April 2009
Parameter Name
Modbus Address
Digital Output 3 or
3A Function
2205 0x089D R/W
Digital Output 3 or 3A Function
0 Disabled
1 Primary Output Power
2 Secondary Output Power
3 Alarm
4 Alarm and Event
Digital Output 3B
2206 0x089E R/W
Digital Output 3B Function
0 Disabled
1 Primary Output Power
2 Secondary Output Power
3 Alarm
4 Alarm and Event
Output 3 or 3A
Alarm Selection
2207 0x089F R/W
Output 3 or 3A Alarm Selection
0 Alarm 1. Direct Acting
1 Alarm 1. Reverse Acting
2 Alarm 2, Direct Acting
3 Alarm 2. Reverse Acting
4 Alarm 3. Direct Acting
5 Alarm 3. Reverse Acting
6 Alarm 4. Direct Acting
7 Alarm 4. Reverse Acting
8 Alarm 5. Direct Acting
9 Alarm 5. Reverse Acting
10 OR of Alarm 1 or 2. Direct
11 OR of Alarm 1 or 2. Reverse
12 OR of Alarm 1, 2, or 3. Direct
13 OR of Alarm 1, 2, or 3. Reverse
14 OR of Alarm 1, 2, 3, or 4. Direct
15 OR of Alarm 1, 2, 3, or 4. Reverse
16 OR of Alarm 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Direct
17 OR of Alarm 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Reverse
Output 3B Alarm
2208 0x08A0 R/W
Output 3B Alarm Selection
0 Alarm 1. Direct Acting
1 Alarm 1. Reverse Acting
2 Alarm 2, Direct Acting
3 Alarm 2. Reverse Acting
4 Alarm 3. Direct Acting
5 Alarm 3. Reverse Acting
6 Alarm 4. Direct Acting
7 Alarm 4. Reverse Acting
8 Alarm 5. Direct Acting
9 Alarm 5. Reverse Acting
10 OR of Alarm 1 or 2. Direct
11 OR of Alarm 1 or 2. Reverse
12 OR of Alarm 1, 2, or 3. Direct