
Entering data into both the Name and ID Code fields enables the Add button. Click the Add button and the data is added to the
next empty location in the Custom ID list.
Click on an empty line in the Custom ID list. The Add button changes to Insert. Enter data into both the Name and ID Code
fields and click the Insert button. The data is added to the selected line in the Custom IDs list.
Double click on the item to edit. Its values are copied to the text boxes for editing. The Add button changes to Replace. When
Replace is clicked, the values for the current item in the list are updated.
Clear All
When no item in the Custom IDs list is selected, clicking the Clear All button clears the Custom ID list and any text written
(and not yet added or inserted) in the Name and ID Code text boxes.
The Clear All button text changes to a Remove button when an item in the Custom IDs list is selected. Click the desired line
item and then click the Remove button to delete it. Line items are Removed one at a time. Contents of the text box fields are
cleared at the same time.
Control Code Replacement Examples
Example Con-
trol Character
Example Con-
Translated Data
Ignore (drop)
The control character is discarded from
the barcode data, prefix and suffix
ESCape Ignore (drop)
0x1B in the barcode is dis-
Printable text Text is substituted for Control Character. Start of TeXt STX
0x02 in a barcode is converted
to the text STX.
The hat-encoded text is translated to the
equivalent hex value.
Carriage Return ^M
Value 0x0d in a barcode is con-
verted to the value 0x0d.
Escaped hat-
encoded text
The hat-encoding to pass through to the
Horizontal Tab \^I
Value 0x09 in a barcode is con-
verted to the text ^I.
The hex-encoded text is translated to the
equivalent hex value.
Carriage Return 0x0A
Value 0x0D in a barcode is
converted to a value 0x0A.
Escaped hex-
encoded text
The hex-encoding to pass through to the
Vertical Tab \0x0A or 0\x0A
Value 0x0C is a barcode is
converted to text 0x0A
See Also: "Hat Encoding"