
Chapter 4: Enabler Installation and Configuration
This section discusses Honeywell supported features with Wavelink Avalanche Mobile Device Servers. This section is split
into three basic areas:
l Installation
l User Interface
l Enabler Configuration
To use the Wavelink Avalanche MC System, the following items are required:
l A desktop or laptop PC on which to install the Avalanche MC Console.
l A desktop or laptop PC on which to install the Avalanche Mobile Device Server (this can be the same PC where the
Avalanche MC Console is installed).
l Wavelink Avalanche MC Console 4.2 or later.
l A Wavelink Device License for each client device.
To use Avalanche Remote Control, the follow additional items are required:
l Wavelink Remote Control plug-in, 2.0 or later
l A Wavelink Remote Control License for each client device
Installing the Enabler on Mobile Devices
Supported devices have the Avalanche Enabler installation files loaded, but not installed, on the mobile device when it is
shipped. The installation files are located in the \System folder on Windows devices.
Supported devices manufactured before April 2007 must have some software components upgraded before they can use the
Avalanche Enabler functions described in this reference guide. Contact Technical Assistance for details on upgrading the
mobile device baseline.
Note: If the user is NOT using Wavelink Avalanche to manage their mobile device(s), the Enabler should not be installed on
the mobile device(s). Doing so results in unnecessary delays when booting the device.
The Avalanche Enabler installation file LXE_ENABLER.CAB is loaded on the VX7 by Honeywell; however, the device is not
configured to launch the Enabler installation file automatically. The installation application must be run manually the first time
Avalanche is used.
Note: Older versions of the Enabler may have a device specific name such as LXE_XXX_ENABLER.CAB.
After installation, the Enabler runs as a background application monitoring for updates. This behavior can be modified by
accessing the Avalanche Update Settings panel through the Enabler interface.
This behavior can be modified by accessing the Avalanche Update Settings panel through the Enabler Interface.
The RMU.CE.CAB file is placed on the device during manufacturing in the \System\RMU folder.
During the Enabler installation process, the Enabler checks for the RMU.CE.CAB file in the \System folder.