
Scanner Serial Connector (COM1)
Power the VX7 off before attaching a cable to any port (serial, keyboard, Ethernet/USB, etc.).
The serial connector, labeled “SCANNER”, (configured as COM1) is industry-standard RS-232. The connector includes a
PC/AT standard 9pin D male connector.
By default, Pin 9 is configured to supply +5 VDC at 0.4A (max) for an external barcode scanner. Pin 9 may also be configured
to provide RI.
If COM1 is not being used for a scanner, it can also be used for screen blanking when the vehicle is in motion.
Pin Signal Description
1 DCD Data Carrier Detect Input
2 RXD Receive Data Input
3 TXD Transmit Data Output
4 DTR Data Terminal Ready Output
5 GND Signal/Power Ground
6 DSR Data Set Ready Input
7 RTS Request to Send Output
8 CTS Clear to Send Input
Bar Code Scanner Power - 400mA max
Ring Indicator - Input
Shell CGND Chassis Ground