
The CAPS LED indicates the state of the keyboard CapsLock mode. If CapsLock is enabled this LED is illuminated green.
When CapsLock is off, the LED is dark.
Press <2nd> then <F1> to toggle CapsLock On and Off. The default value of CapsLock is “Off. For information on preserving
CapsLock configuration after a reboot, please see Start > Settings > Control Panel > MX3X-VXC Options > Misc tab.
Secondary Keys LED
The VX7 keyboard is equipped with several secondary keys. These keys are identified by the superscripted text found on the
keyboard keys.
The secondary keys are accessible by using two (2) keystrokes: the <2nd> key followed by the superscripted key.
Once the <2nd> state is enabled (by pressing the <2nd> key) the Secondary Mode LED is illuminated and the <2nd> state is
enabled until another key is pressed.
The <2nd> key is toggled on with a <2nd> keypress and then immediately off with another <2nd> keypress.
For example:
Press <2nd> and <F1> to turn CapsLock on and off.
Press <2nd> and <↑> to initiate the PgUp command.
Press <2nd> and <Q> to type the ! key.
Press <2nd> and <BkSp> to enter the Insert (Ins) mode.