Technical Manual

XNX Universal Transmitter
Section 3 - Calibration
3.3 Functional Gas Testing (Bump Testing)
Figure 216. Bump Test Menu
Warning: Exposure to desensitizing or contaminating substances or
concentrations causing operation of any alarm may affect sensor sensitivity.
Following such events, it is recommended to verify sensor performance by
performing a functional gas test (bump test).
It is recommended that the sensor be tested frequently to ensure
that the system is operating properly. Different sensor types may
require more frequent maintenance, depending on the
environmental conditions and the gases present. The
weatherproof cover has a spigot for attaching tubing from a gas
cylinder. This may be used for a simple functional (bump) test of
the sensor. However, environmental conditions may make this
unsuitable for some gas typesor applications. It is the
responsibility of the user to ensure suitability of this method for
each application.
1. When bump gas is applied to the sensor, the bump test
screen displays the current reading of the sensor and the
peak reading that occurred during the bump test.
Peak Reading
Full Scale
Alarm Levels
Current Sensor
Figure 217. Bump Test Screen
2. If the difference between the reading and the applied
gas concentration is outside the acceptable limits for the
application, follow the procedures for zeroing and calibrating
the sensor (see Section 3.2.1).
3. If the reading is still inaccurate, replace the sensor (see
Section 4.1).
Once the bump test is completed successfully, the transmitter
will exit the calibration procedure. Before returning to the Gas
Calibration menu, the user will be prompted to exit and turn
alarm and fault inhibit off, exit and leave the transmitter in inhibit
mode, or not exit.
Caution: Exiting before the gas level has fallen below the level of Alarm 1 will
cause the transmitter to go into alarm.
Figure 218. Exiting the calibration procedure