Technical Manual

XNX Universal Transmitter
Section 1 - Introduction
Target Gas
m Icon
Alarm Level Triggered
Figure 16. General Status Alarm detail
In an over range condition, the alarm icon will display and the target gas
concentration bar graph and alarm setpoints will ash.
Full Scale
Alarm Level Triggered
Concentration Bar, Alar
m Setpoints Flash
Figure 17. General Status Over Range detail
Negative values are not displayed and do not appear on the
4-20 mA output, but they are indicated by faults or warnings
when preset thresholds are exceeded. (See zero deviation in
Section 6.1.1)
In addition to the graphic alarm, fault, and warning indicators,
the LEDs on the front panel ash in these patterns based on the
Red Green Yellow
Alarm 1 Solid
Alarm 2 Flashing
Warning Solid
Fault Flashing
Health Flashing
The refresh rate of the LEDs is 0.5 second.
Special states (Warmup, Inhibit) are not indicated by the Fault LED.
1.4.3 Entering the Menu Structure
Swiping the magnet over the magnetic switch
allows the
user to reset faults or alarms, display current settings, or make
adjustments to the device.
Note: If the Easy Reset option is set to Lock, alarms and faults
cannot be reset without logging in or entering a passcode. For more
information, see Section 2.5.1 Configure Security.
Swiping the
or “escape” magnetic switch activates the Alarm
Re-set screen and allows alarms to be silenced and faults to be
switch resets all alarms and faults and returns to the
General Status Screen. Use the
switch to return to the
General Status Screen without resetting the alarms and faults.
Figure 18. Alarm Reset screen
Two authorization levels control access based upon the security
level of the user: Level 1 (routine maintenance) and Level 2
(technician and password administrator). The default passcodes
for both levels are “0000” and must be reset after installation
to control access (see Section 2.5.1 Configure Security). In
general, access to neither security level restricts the user to
viewing the transmitter’s display. If desired, the Easy Reset from
Main Status option
allows alarm and fault resets without requiring
access to either security level.