Product Manual

Table Of Contents
GasAlertMaxXT II
Sensor Configuration
Calibration Interval
Define how often a sensor must be calibrated in the Calibration Interval
(days) field. A different calibration interval can be set for each sensor.
1. Enter the value (0-365 days) for each sensor.
2. Enter 0 to disable the calibration interval option. Entering
0 automatically deactivates the Force Calibration user
BW recommends that the detector be calibrated at least once
every 180 days (6 months).
The detector is shipped with the factory default set to 180 days.
Bump Interval
Define how often a bump test must be performed for each sensor in the
Bump Interval (days) field. A different bump interval can be set for each
1. Enter the value (1-365 days) for each sensor.
2. Enter 0 to disable the bump interval option. Entering 0
automatically deactivates the Force Bump user option.
The detector is shipped with the Force Interval option
BW recommends to bump test the sensors before each day’s
use to confirm their ability and response to gas by exposing the
detector to a gas concentration that exceeds the high alarm
setpoints. Verify that the audible and visual alarms activate.
Calibrate if the readings are not within the specified limits.
Low Alarm
Enter the low alarm setpoints for each sensor (applicable to all sensors).
Refer to Resetting Gas Alarm Setpoints
for factory defined alarm set-
High Alarm
Enter the high alarm setpoints for each sensor (applicable to all sen-
sors). Refer to Resetting Gas Alarm Setpoints
for factory defined alarm