Product Manual

Table Of Contents
GasAlertMaxXT II
User Manual
Resetting Gas Alarm Setpoints
Table 9. lists alarm setpoints as defined by Occupational Safety and
Health Association (OSHA).
Standard factory alarm setpoints vary by region.
Table 9. Sample Factory Alarm Setpoints
To disable an alarm, set the alarm setpoint to 0 (zero) in Fleet
Manager II.
To change the factory-defined alarm setpoints, refer to the following in
User Options:
Low Alarm
High Alarm
TWA Alarm
STEL Alarm
Stopping a Gas Alarm
The low and high alarms stop when the ambient gas concentrations
returns to a concentration below the low alarm setpoint.
If alarms are set to latch, press C to reset the alarms.
The detector computes the TWA value based on OSHA standards and
the STEL value based on a user-defined 5 to 15 minute interval. Refer to
STEL Interval
The TWA and STEL alarms can be stopped either by
deactivating and then reactivating the detector, or
clearing the TWA/STEL/MAX exposure readings. Refer to
Viewing and Clearing Gas Exposures
a Caution
Follow all safety procedures as defined by your
employer. Confirm with your supervisor before clearing
TWA and STEL alarms.
Sensor Alarm
The detector tests for missing or defective sensors during the startup
self-test and continuously thereafter. If a sensor fails the self-test, Err
displays above the gas type of the failed sensor. If a sensor fails, refer to
Gas TWA STEL Low High
N/A N/A 19.5% vol. 23.5% vol.
LEL N/A N/A 10% LEL 20% LEL
CO 35 ppm 50 ppm 35 ppm 200 ppm
10 ppm 15 ppm 10 ppm 15 ppm